Shared Medical Appointments
We offer Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs), a type of group visit which effectively blends the power of peer support with personalized medicine. Patients managing a chronic disease, such as diabetes, obesity, or coronary artery disease, are able to have several medical and educational needs met in an appointment together, optimizing both Provider and Patient time. According to an article in the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Spectrum, “research suggests that SMAs can be effective in improving knowledge, quality of life, and problem-solving skills in patients with diabetes”. Nutrition and other aspects of lifestyle education are important components of these confidential visits, as is the support system and motivation that develops with other Patients.
SMA appointments are facilitated by Dr. Kumara Sidhartha and Carol Penfield, MS, NPc, ABLM, a Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, and members of our nursing staff, at Yarmouth Primary Care, located at 495 Station Avenue, South Yarmouth. Additionally, Dr. Miguel Prieto conducts SMA appointments at Bourne Primary Care.
To learn more about eligibility for the SMA program, please speak with your provider.