Patient Rights & Responsibilities
As our valued patient, we respect your dignity and rights. An important part of our patient-centered philosophy is to ensure that when you are in our care, you understand your rights as a patient. Because your care is a collaborative effort between you, your physician and hospital staff, there are also patient responsibilities which we expect you’ll follow to the best of your ability.
Your rights as a patient
While you are in our care you have the right to:
- Receive considerate and respectful care.
- Adequate pain control.
- Obtain accurate and timely information about your illness and treatment plan.
- Consent to or refuse a treatment, as permitted by law.
- Freedom from the use of seclusion or restraints in any form unless clinically required.
- Have an advanced directive in the form of a Health Care Proxy.
- Receive as soon as possible, the services of a translator or interpreter.
- Express and practice your religious and cultural beliefs.
Pastoral Care:
Cape Cod Hospital: 508-862-5286
Falmouth Hospital: 508-457-3522
- Have privacy.
- Confidentiality.
- Information in your medical records.
- Expect that necessary services that will be provided to meet your health needs.
- Know when the hospital has a relationship with outside parties that may influence your care or treatment.
- Expect the hospital to prohibit any type of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, citizenship, alienage, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability. CCHC does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, citizenship, alienage, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability.
- Free care availability.
Financial Counselor:
Cape Cod Hospital: 508-862-7019
Falmouth Hospital: 508-495-7156
- Know about Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital resources to help you deal with any problems or issues.
Patient Representative:
Cape Cod Hospital: 508-862-5401
Falmouth Hospital: 508-457-3769
Mass. Dept. of Public Health’s Advocacy Office: 800-462-5540
99 Chauncy St, 2nd floor, Boston, MA 02111
- Know about our billing process.
Patient Accounts: 508-957-1600
Your responsibilities as a patient
While you are in our care you have the responsibility to:
- Provide us with accurate and honest information about your medical history.
- Ask questions when you do not understand any information provided to you.
- Let us know when you believe you cannot follow through with your treatment plan. We will work with you to develop a plan which meets your needs.
- Treat your caregivers, family, visitors and fellow patients with dignity and respect.
- Designate one person to act as the contact for information and updates regarding your care.
- Not tamper with Cape Cod Hospital or Falmouth Hospital property, including any medical device being used for your care.
- Provide information about your insurance coverage and work with our financial consultants to arrange payment when needed.
- Abide by the rules and regulations, as posted, of Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital particularly with regard to smoking and cell phone use. Smoking is not allowed on the premises or immediately around any of the entrances. Cell phones may only be used in designated areas.